Probate Administration
For a lot of people, the task of having to deal with the courts to open, process, and close an estate can be overwhelming. After all, you just lost a loved one. The last thing you want to have to do is deal with the courts and its bureaucracy to disperse the person's assets in accordance with their wishes or pursuant to the laws of intestacy if they died without a Will. At times the burden of having to do so just feels like "piling on". But we can help you here at The Tyra Law Firm.
Probate Administration is a multi-step process. First, we will assist you in identifying all of the deceased assets that are eligible for probate. Not everything that they owned actually has to go through the probate process. In doing so we help you determine just what is the scope of the probate estate. Then we help you file the petition with the court to open the estate, guide you through the steps you have to do to administer the process, and finally assist you with documenting your actions before the court in order to close the estate.
If you are concerned about the process of administering an estate, contact our law firm today for a consultation. We can determine what you need and help you obtain peace of mind as quickly as possible knowing that everything will be taken care of.